LAS - Payment Refund



The payment needs to be made in full at the time of purchase to guarantee delivery of the service/goods offered by the merchant. Only payments that are shown as successful on the payment confirmation page and can be seen on the cardholder/payer card statement are deemed complete. The payment is in United Arab Emirates Dirham (AED) unless otherwise stated. Payments may show on the card statement as “PointCheckout” or the “LAS” or “Limitless Solutions Software Design LLC”.


Upon completion of a successful payment, a confirmation SMS or email may be sent to the cardholder/payer. In all cases, this link and the final confirmation page can be carried as proof of the payment to Limitless Solutions Software Design LLC.


Limitless Solutions Software Design LLC is responsible for the delivery of the service/product purchased and is entitled to omit or cancel any part of an activity at their sole discretion due to the nature of activities/products sold. Cancellations may result due to but are not limited to, factors beyond Limitless Solutions Software Design LLC or their suppliers' control, such as the weather, accidents, sickness, governmental restrictions, and other events of force majeure. In such events, a full or partial refund may be given depending on Limitless Solutions Software Design LLC terms and conditions of purchase.


The pricing shown on the payment page is final and is based on cardholder/payers’ agreement with the Limitless Solutions Software Design LLC. Any discrepancies between agreed price and eventual price charged on the cardholder statement should be brought to light within 7 days to the Limitless Solutions Software Design LLC directly.


Payments made through this payment page are subject to the Limitless Solutions Software Design LLC refund policy stated on the Limitless Solutions Software Design LLC invoice, website, product, or otherwise communicated in the additional terms above (if any). There will be no refund after the purchase of the software.


The terms and conditions of Limitless Solutions Software Design LLC or the operator of the service or organizer of the event or service will apply and no refund will be subject to those terms and conditions. To the maximum extent permitted by law, we accept no responsibility for any damage, loss, accident, sickness, injury, or death that you or anyone else may suffer or incur arising out of the product or services purchased.


Your privacy and the protection of your data are very important to us. Limitless Solutions Software Design LLC or the payment acquirer may collect personal identifying information in accordance with its PCI compliance certificate and data security practices as required by law at the time of payment completion. We reserve the right to not provide the Payments Services (including authorizing or settling) in respect of any Transaction submitted that we believe, in our sole discretion, is in violation of this Agreement, any other Limitless Solutions Software Design LLC or Processor agreement, or exposes you, Limitless Solutions Software Design LLC, the Processor, or any other third party to actual or potential risk or harm, including, but not limited to, fraud and other criminal acts. You are hereby granting Limitless Solutions Software Design LLC authorization to share information with law enforcement about you, your Transactions, or your Payments Account.


In case of any disputes, the law applicable would be based on the UAE Governing Law. The Terms & Conditions could be changed or updated occasionally to meet any required regulatory changes or standards.